3rd Cruise 2016/Sunset Dinner Cruise
September 2016
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Cruise With A Purpose
Save the Date: TBA
Sunset Dinner Cruise for our 3rd Cruise With A Purpose
Location: TBA
The Official Music Video for CRUISE WITH A PURPOSE: CLICK HERE
I would like to share exciting news. On September 2016, we will set sail on an educational cruise in celebration of Alopecia Awareness Month. The purpose of our educational cruise ishelp our youth and to create awareness by:
- Educating consumers/professionals about alopecia.
- Enlighten about the external culprits.
- Entice better food choices to avoid nutritional deficiencies.
- Engage conversation about scalp maladies.
- Elate attendees with effective product solutions.
We are anticipating a sell-out of cruise seats! Additionally, we have 2 alopecia essay contest winners. Our goal is to sponsor 2 inner city children, affected with alopecia, along with their parent. Topic: "I Have Alopecia, But It Does Not Define Who I Am." Furthermore, the winners will read their essays during the cruise.
I am reaching out to you because we are seeking Scholarships. These sponsorships will enable us to produce an incredible and memorable cruise. Attached is a list of available sponsorships with benefits. I hope you will consider becoming a sponsor.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I hope you will be able to join us
Please Join Us for our Philanthropy!
2016 Essay Scholarship Topic:
"Alopecia Awareness in Schools...My Experience With Bullying"
300 words minimum plus photo of contestant
Scholarship Opportunities
Emerald Sponsor - $5,000
Company Logo on our website
Company advertising on Radio, Print & Social Medias
Radio Sponsor Recognition
Custom Cruise T-Shirts
Sponsorship Award
Ruby Sponsor - $4,000
Company Logo on our website
Company advertising on Radio, Print & Social Medias
Custom Cruise T-Shirts
Sponsorship Award
Sapphire Sponsor - $3,000
Company Advertising on our website
Custom Cruise T-Shirts
Sponsorship Award
A monthly payment plan is suggested for your payments, or you may choose to write one check.
We hope to see you for our 3rd Annual Cruise With A Purpose 2016!