Boys and the Barbershop-The First Haircut

Dec 18, 2007
The first haircut experience a boy has at the barbershop
does not have to be traumatic. The male or female hair care
professional should show patience. Otherwise, the already
fearful child may cry, move their heads continuously, or
fidget. As a result, many hair care professionals refuse to
offer the first haircut on a boy's hair. This situation is
also common in salons or clinics, where hair care
professionals will not service little girls. Many little
girls love the after effect of their hair looking stylish,
however, do not cooperate with the professional by moving
their heads, wining, crying, or also fidgeting the entire

A large number of hair care professionals are unaware of
the medically recommended time frame of when to offer a
boys first haircut. This knowledge should also be told to
parents of boys to ensure a healthy scalp. There have been
rumors that parents of boys should wait until the child is
one years old before their first haircut is given. In
actuality, when a child is born, the scalp is not one
hundred percent (100%) formed. Usually at the crown area of
the scalp, there is an area known as the fontanelle, or
space where the skull bones have not yet totally formed.
This area is commonly known as the 'soft spot'. It will
take one to two years for the soft spot to completely form.
Therefore, it is not wise to offer a haircut on any child
before this time frame. Furthermore, parents are taught
that it is dangerous to press against this soft spot.
Professionals need to educate your clients to use caution,
but do shampoo your baby's scalp on a regular basis. It is
essential to gently shampoo a baby's scalp using the palm
of your hand. Never use your fingers or fingernails when
shampooing a baby's scalp. To avoid a child's scalp from
becoming unhealthy, proper and frequent shampooing must
become routine.

Other scalp disorders associated with children include:
cradle cap, tinea capitis, commonly known as ringworm,
traction alopecia, chemical alopecia, hair breakage,
trichotillomania, alopecia areata, banded alopecia, atopic
eczema, marginal alopecia, banded alopecia, and other
disorders. A referral to a board certified trichologist
be given to all clients whose children are affected with
alopecia or scalp maladies. A consultation appointment is

Many hair care professionals have heard the term 'cradle
cap' used to describe a scaly scalp condition, common among
children. Cradle cap is actually the natural secretions of
an infant's scalp, which has congealed together, and
results in a yellowish-brown color. It may appear several
weeks after birth. As a result, some parents are fearful of
shampooing their childs scalp, and the secretions often
becomes thicker and thicker, until it appears very horrid
looking, like a scaly cap over the entire scalp. Again,
another reason that emphasis must be made for parents to
shampoo your child's scalp. Furthermore, milk sensitivity
could be another villain. A baby not placed on the right
milk, therefore, being sensitive to the wrong milk, may
also produce abnormal quantities of scalp secretions, and
thus revealing cradle cap. Sometimes by changing the kind
of milk your baby is drinking, you can help alleviate
and/or minimize cradle cap. Always consult with your
pediatrician first.

Finally, professionals who DO NOT enjoy offering the first
haircut for a child, should consider referring the parent
to someone who will make the first haircut experience an
enjoyable one. When the child his happy, the parent will be
happy, and may give the stylist or barber a generous tip!